Productivity should be a top priority as a business owner
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As a small business owner you are tasked with achieving big things with limited resources. You’re not alone though, because many big businesses are doing just that by reducing team sizes and investing in one of the most important anchors of success: productivity.

Why productivity is so important

The art of productivity is something freelancers also employ along with those who work completely autonomously. As humans, we’re easily distracted and live in a world full of things that all vie for our attention. The ability, therefore, to remain focused on one’s goals is a skill we all need to learn.

You may be wondering why we need another blog post on productivity, for the internet is chock-full of them. But there’s a reason for that; productivity is the cornerstone of business success and in this post;

We’ve got 5 reasons why it should be top of your priorities as a small business owner:

  1. Business growth – If you’re more productive, your business will grow – it’s simple. If you’re just scraping by each week and constantly chasing an increasingly large to-do list, you’ll limit your opportunities to grow.
    Projects need finishing and goals need reaching, you’ll only ever achieve those two things with increased productivity.
    grow business
  2. The ability to compete – Fed up of your competitors constantly forging ahead and beating you to every potential new customer? Chances are, they’re on point with their own productivity.
    The more productive firms there are in an industry, the more that industry can thrive. Competition is a brilliant thing and it increases as businesses become more efficient. As a result, exciting products and services are developed and aggressive pricing can be introduced, ushering in a raft of new customers.
  3. Your bottom line – Unproductive teams cost businesses money. A lot of money. The true cost of projects and developments that rattle on for too long or are abandoned entirely is often hard to measure, as it usually relates to the number of employee days spent. Unfortunately, that’s one of the most expensive overheads of all.
    To keep your small business’s doors open, you need to be profitable. Productivity is the key to driving down overheads, reducing waste and meeting deadlines. As a result, it’ll make you more profitable.
    Business growth
  4. A happier team – There’s no greater feeling than completing a project either on time or well before the due date. Equally, the simple task of ticking off another completed to-do list item is incredibly satisfying. These things make people happy, therefore they’ll make your team happy.
    Happy teams make successful businesses, and the key to your team’s happiness is in raising their productivity levels. Everyone benefits.
    Happy team
  5. An invaluable ’success audit’ – An often unsung benefit of being ultra productive is the ability to analyse what made each business achievement a success. Because the processes and rules for productivity include precise goal setting, day planning and record keeping, you’ll have a brilliant ‘success audit’ to look back on.
    What made the last big project a success? Which areas of productivity are clearly having an invaluable effect on the team’s performance? Such insight is gold dust for business owners.


The above will hopefully have you scouring the web for as many productivity tips as you can find. If so – great! It’s some of the best time you’ll spend on your browser this week. So, go ahead and become ultra productive – and profitable.